Thursday, June 5, 2008

School Analogy

So this is just a short analogy that God gave to me while I was reading Romans chapter 10. Paul is talking about Christ and the fulfillment of the law, making the overall point that the law can never lead to righteousness. Now, a common (and valid) question that comes from this is: If God gave us the law, but the law could never give us righteousness, then why did God give it to us? Is He that cruel?"

But stay with me for a minute. How many of you have gone to college? Or even been through a senior year of high school? Think about all of the years you have spent previously in school, getting you ready for that moment. How absurd would it be to leave you without any formal education until you are 17 or 18, and then throw you into college?! No one would logically agree to that.

Then why would we expect any differently from God? The law was given to us, not to achieve rightousness, but as a study guide. We weren't ready to understand that God could send His son to die as a sacrifice for mankind, we didn't understand the idea of a sacrifice or why it would be necessary. So what did God do? He sent us to primary, middle, and junior high school. We lived for years with the law and understood that when we failed to uphold it, we must offer a sacrifice.

The law was never intended to serve as a path to rightousness. So why treat it like it is?! You wouldn't try to ride a bike into a lake instead of a boat. Then why do you try to live right and play nice, and expect to get into heaven. I promise you; you will sink faster than if you had taken then bike into the lake. Instead, put your faith in the sacrifice for which we have been prepared.

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